Finally, a proven way to heal food sensitivities.

Helping busy people heal pesky symptoms with science-based advice,

so YOU can LIVE a symptom-free life!

Is this You?

✔ Are you frustrated with mainstream medical providers not getting you answers?

✔ You spend hours on Google trying to figure out what you should actually be eating only to log-off feeling more confused?

✔ Have you been to many specialists and still haven’t found the root cause?

✔ Mealtimes are a struggle and often end in tears and frustration

✔ You have a feeling that your nutrition may be making certain symptoms worse, like skin breakouts, abdominal upset, fast heart rate, fatigue, migraines, etc.?

✔ You often feel isolated because others don’t seem to understand the struggles with food sensitivities.

✔ You just want to get the nutrients you need to feel good so they can live a symptom-free life!

Kristen White, RDN, LD, CLT


I’m Kristen White, RDN/LD, CLT | The Food Sensitivity Dietitian

I’m a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified LEAP Therapist, and Food Sensitivity Expert.

I work with women and moms of children with food and chemical sensitivities by significantly decreasing symptoms in 2 weeks with diet change alone using the LEAP/MRT protocol. I also help discover the root cause of the sensitivities in order to avoid a relapse in symptoms.

I, myself, went through my own Food Sensitivity Journey in my early 20s and healed my skin by changing my diet. You can be healed too!

I look forward to helping you in your journey to health, so you too can LIVE your BEST life!

Featured In:

“So, how do I know if I have a food sensitivity?”

Food Sensitivities = Inflammation in the Body = Chronic Disease

Inflammation can settle in many different areas of the body, which mean a specific food could be causing inflammation in a specific area of a specific body. It can be very tricky to connect the food /chemical sensitivity to the right symptom.

That’s where I come in to help.

“But How Are Food Sensitivities linked to so many diseases?”

Inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases. There are several reasons why we develop inflammation but diet plays a big role in our body’s inflammatory response.

Research has shown that food and food additives like food coloring can be involved in a wide array of chronic health problems.

When we eat a food that causes inflammatory mediators to be released from our cells, this can lead to many negative symptoms such as eczema, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraines, fibromyalgia, and the list goes on.

Mediators include histamines, cytokines, leukotrienes, and prostaglandins.

Mediators that get released are the key event that leads to every negative effect that you suffer. These mediators create inflammation and leave you feeling AWFUL!

Detailed photo of human body with list of food sensitivity symptoms below each body system

How Will Testing For Food Sensitivities Heal Get Rid of my Symptoms?

When your immune system reacts to something you eat, symptoms may be delayed for up to 72 – 96 hours. You may eat something that you think is fine because you don’t notice an immediate reaction. However, reacting to something on Thursday that you ate on Monday will make it hard to pinpoint the problematic food.

You can react to “healthy foods” like rice, salmon, apples, turmeric, or spinach.

Testing is KEY!

Without food sensitivity testing, it’s a big guessing game that leaves many frustrated. It will take a long time to figure out what actually causes your symptoms.

Testing provides a clear plan-of-action and gives you personalized information that can greatly reduce or even eliminate your chronic symptoms. Learn more about the gold standard, MRT Test!

Happy Clients

  • Struggled with Diarrhea for Years

    “I have struggled with frequent diarrhea for years, and met with countless GI docs to no avail. I finally decided to try a different route and worked with Kristen on the MRT testing and Leap program. We identified several foods that I was eating regularly. After removing the foods, I started to feel better. There were setbacks, it's hard to eliminate foods you are so comfortable with, but we got back on track and it's all a learning experience. Kristen is responsive to questions and provides resources with more information. I believe Kristen helped me with fitting another piece in to my health 'puzzle.”

    - Allison

  • Enjoying Life Again

    “Several times I had attempted to do food elimination diet but was never able to do it successfully. It not easy and especially when you have been so sick….So thankful I was led to Kristen as she right away had a plan and such valuable tools that made the task in finding the culprits much easier. One thing that impressed me in what she said right off was that it was vital that I would be honest in reporting. Without that it would not be possible to successful. More than anything she wants to help you to get better fast and to bring you through nourished and enjoying life again.”

    — Nicki

  • Struggled with Eczema & Dermatitis

    “For many years I really struggled with eczema and dermatitis, and searched everywhere for answers. Was it my face wash? Is it allergies? Is it stress? Etc etc etc... I had a gut feeling ( no pun intended ) that the issue was coming from the food I was eating and how it was affecting my skin or causing inflammation in my body. After doing the MRT and GI map with Kristen's guidance I felt like I had learned heaps about my body, and the protocol I was given really did transform my skin. I feel as though the experience has given me a lot of tools to move forward with and a better understanding of my body, and its likes and dislikes. Not only did my skin improve, I felt less bloated, had the most regular bowel movements of my life, and had plenty of energy to get through the day. Kristen is really wonderful to work with, and I felt as though she really paid attention to all of the details when investigating this part of someone's life!” -Ashley

  • Specific Inflammatory Foods

    “Before working with Kristen, I never knew that healthy alternative foods had an impact on my overall health. I learned proper and regular eating habits while working with Kristen. A BIG win for me was learning the specific foods that were causing inflammation throughout my entire body. Kristen helped me understand more concerning proper nutrition and how to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle!” -Johnetta

  • NO More Headaches!

    “Before working with Kristen, I never knew how to interpret medical results. She sat down with me and went through each line of my results and she explained what each reading meant.

    A BIG win for me was to no longer experience the headaches that I've been having. Eating healthy is not good enough. I needed to know exactly what was affecting me.

    Thank you, Kristen!”

    - Jaye

Happy Clients

  • Lynetta's Story

    Kristen has been a godsend for my toddler! She helped identify the root cause of his frequent "night terrors" and nasty diapers. My spouse and I knew that something was very wrong but repeat visits with my son's physician were fruitless. Kristen inquired about his health history from birth to present-day symptoms. We felt heard and validated in our concerns. We were not crazy and my son's sleeplessness and pain were not just a "phase" he might grow out of. Kristen helped us understand the root cause of my son's problems by ordering labs that gave us precise information into the reasons why he'd felt so terrible for months. If we'd continued waiting for him to "grow out of" his problems we'd likely have found ourselves in a very serious medical situation. Kristen didn't just identify his problems. She provided a solutions that worked! She gave us individualized diet therapy with a supplement protocol and within 2 months our son was feeling better, gaining weight, looking healthier, and everyone was sleeping more peacefully. Along the way, Kristen was responsive to my questions and provided creative solutions (without shaming us) to help us stay on track. I am so incredibly thankful! Can't recommend her enough.

  • Nicki's Story

    “Several times I had attempted to do food elimination diet but was never able to do it successfully. It not easy and especially when you have been so sick….So thankful I was led to Kristen as she right away had a plan and such valuable tools that made the task in finding the culprits much easier. One thing that impressed me in what she said right off was that it was vital that I would be honest in reporting. Without that it would not be possible to successful. More than anything she wants to help you to get better fast and to bring you through nourished and enjoying life again.” -Nicki

  • Allison's Story

    “I have struggled with frequent diarrhea for years, and met with countless GI docs to no avail. I finally decided to try a different route and worked with Kristen on the MRT testing and Leap program. We identified several foods that I was eating regularly. After removing the foods, I started to feel better. There were setbacks, it's hard to eliminate foods you are so comfortable with, but we got back on track and it's all a learning experience. Kristen is responsive to questions and provides resources with more information. I believe Kristen helped me with fitting another piece in to my health 'puzzle.” -Allison

  • MCAS Client

    “My allergist recently told me it was the best thing I could have done in seeking help with a digestive specialist . For many years I had tried to remove and add foods and allergy meds to bring healing to the many things my body was going thru. Doing elimination diets, gluten free, vegetarian, keto. My health only continued to go into revolt.

    Kristen White has been a God send and I call her a medical detective as she leaves no stones unturned.

    It took quite a few test to go thru but after knowing which foods I reacted to and removing the healing began.

    So many that I was eating ,were what is touted as healthy foods but they were not for my body. Thru her expert eye she suspected I had MCAS which is mast cell activation syndrome.

    Finally the 50 plus years of life threatening at times ,and misery had an answer. It’s an immune response of high histamine intolerance that kept my body drowning in inflammation. I also had a good doctor that tested me and when he saw my blood work it was without a doubt this is what I had.

    It was a continued process of healing that had many layers to bring me back to health again.

    Kristen White at Balance to Flourish is amazing.”


Apply to Work with Kristen

After reviewing your submission, Kristen will give you a call to discuss prices and answer any additional questions before booking.

Schedule a FREE 15 minute - Clarity Call Today!

Or call 417-413-4252