Happy Clients

  • 12-Week Food Sensitivity Client

    “I have struggled with frequent diarrhea for years, and met with countless GI docs to no avail. I finally decided to try a different route and worked with Kristen on the MRT testing and Leap program. We identified several foods that I was eating regularly. After removing the foods, I started to feel better. There were setbacks, it's hard to eliminate foods you are so comfortable with, but we got back on track and it's all a learning experience. Kristen is responsive to questions and provides resources with more information. I believe Kristen helped me with fitting another piece in to my health 'puzzle.”

    - Allison, February 2023

  • 12-Week Food Sensitivity Client

    “Several times I had attempted to do food elimination diet but was never able to do it successfully. It not easy and especially when you have been so sick….So thankful I was led to Kristen as she right away had a plan and such valuable tools that made the task in finding the culprits much easier. One thing that impressed me in what she said right off was that it was vital that I would be honest in reporting. Without that it would not be possible to successful. More than anything she wants to help you to get better fast and to bring you through nourished and enjoying life again.”

    — Nicki, March 2023