Food Sensitivity Dietitian | Kristen White, RDN, LDN, CLT

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5 Need-to-Know New Year’s Resolution Tips from a Registered Dietitian

Why are New Year’s resolutions so hard to stick to?

Every year on January 1st, SO many people make plans to dive headfirst into drastic diet changes, intense workout plans, restrictive eating, and the list goes on.  Only to fail miserably a few short days or weeks later. Quick fix nutrition and work out programs create lofty, unattainable goals that always promise FAST results. 

Here are 5 things you need to know when making your New Year’s resolution:

  1. Cleaning up your diet and starting a work-out regimen does NOT have to start on January 1st. 

  2. Quick fix diets usually promise X amount of weight loss in X amount of time.  Some plans promise more energy in 30 days.  Others omit several food groups making the diet unsustainable.  Quick fixes always fail. Period.

  3. Fad diets do not promote small, attainable goals.  Growth happens in reasonable, bite-sized nuggets.  Creating long-term changes within eating patterns, food choices, and increased movement starts small.

  4. Programs that require you to buy a food system, supplement regime, or shake products are expensive and usually not sustainable. I’ve been many people fall into these traps time and time again. 

  5. Seek a professional for guidance. 

All Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) have AT LEAST 5 years of education and must pass a comprehensive test before they can be licensed by any state.  They also must continue learning to keep licensure.  A nutritionist or health coach is a very loose term that usually requires a few hours or a few weeks of training and varies widely between programs offered.  Always seek a professional, like an RDN when you want to achieve sustainable changes.

Always challenge a costly program or app with science,  choose wisely and seek a professional for guidance.  To schedule a free-15 minute discovery call with me click here.